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Does Our Teeth Grinding Worsen During Winter?
April 25, 2021 · Ashely Notarmaso

Cold weather teeth grinding

Does cold weather make people grind their teeth?

There isn’t direct scientific evidence to suggest that cold weather specifically causes people to grind their teeth. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a complex behavior influenced by various factors such as stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and dental issues.

However, cold weather might indirectly contribute to teeth grinding in some individuals due to related factors:

  1. Stress and Tension: Cold weather can be associated with increased stress and tension, which are known triggers for bruxism. If individuals experience heightened stress during colder periods, it could potentially lead to teeth grinding.
  2. Muscle Tension: Exposure to cold weather may cause people to tense their muscles, including those in the jaw. Increased muscle tension can contribute to teeth clenching and grinding.

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Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding; a condition affecting about 8% of adults according to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Almost everyone has ground their teeth sometime during their life, whether from high emotion or stress, or simply by accident.

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

Clenching or grinding teeth can cause wear to the enamel, resulting in pain and sensitivity to certain foods, as well as aches in the jaw and damage to the cheeks and tongue.

The wear also reduces the tooth’s ability to stand up to bacteria that causes plaque and decay. In some cases, teeth can even break or become chipped.

When bruxism occurs while a person is unconscious, it is called sleep bruxism. The clenching of the particular jaw muscles that leads to grinding is usually involuntary or semi­-involuntary, whether it happens during sleeping or not.

There are a wide variety of things that can cause tooth grinding, everything from tooth misalignment to anxiety and or certain drugs, which can make diagnosing a specific cause difficult.

bruxism: severe case of teeth regression loss of tooth structure

Why do my teeth grind more in winter?

While there isn’t direct scientific evidence establishing a universal link between cold weather and increased teeth grinding (bruxism), some individuals may perceive a connection or experience more grinding during the winter months. Here are a few potential reasons why this might occur:

  1. Stress and Seasonal Changes: The winter season can be associated with increased stress for some individuals. Factors such as holiday preparations, family gatherings, changes in routine, and colder weather can contribute to heightened stress levels. Stress is a common trigger for teeth grinding.
  2. Muscle Tension: Exposure to cold weather may lead to increased muscle tension throughout the body, including the jaw muscles. Elevated muscle tension can contribute to the occurrence of teeth grinding.
  3. Sleep Quality: Changes in temperature and light exposure during winter can affect sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality or disrupted sleep can be associated with an increased likelihood of bruxism during the night.
  4. Respiratory Issues: Cold weather may exacerbate respiratory issues, such as nasal congestion or breathing difficulties. In some cases, individuals may subconsciously grind their teeth as a response to airway obstruction.

Can weather affect teeth clenching?

Here are a few potential ways in which weather could affect teeth clenching:

  1. Stress and Seasonal Changes: Changes in weather patterns, such as transitions between seasons or extreme weather events, can sometimes be associated with increased stress. Stress is a well-known factor that can contribute to teeth clenching.
  2. Temperature-Related Muscle Tension: Exposure to cold weather might lead to increased muscle tension, including in the jaw muscles. Elevated muscle tension can be a factor in teeth clenching.
  3. Sleep Quality: Weather-related factors, such as temperature fluctuations, humidity, and changes in light exposure, can influence sleep quality. Poor sleep or disrupted sleep patterns are associated with an increased likelihood of bruxism.
  4. Seasonal Allergies: Some individuals may experience seasonal allergies, which can lead to nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. In response, people may clench their teeth as a way to open the airway.

Winter Troubles

The time of year can be one significant factor that contributes to bruxism. One of the symptoms of season allergies is teeth­ grinding, children being especially susceptible.

Stress has been deemed the culprit for teeth grinding for quite some time.

Holiday Stress

Another potential factor that could heighten the severity of your bruxism is stress during the holidays. If you have a tendency to grind your teeth when you are stressed, then dealing with the holidays might be exacerbating the steady ache in your jaw.

Planning time off from work, booking a flight across the country, cooking a full­ course meal for relatives (whose company you might not particularly enjoy­) can increase stress which in turn may lead to teeth­ grinding.


The cold weather can also increase the discomfort for people trying to deal with teeth grinding.

When most people shiver, their teeth chatter like crazy. An already notorious grinder would be at risk for even more damage.

This can lead to a vicious cycle, where someone trying to tense up to stay warm or to cover up a tooth already made sensitive by grinding ends up making the ache and the grinding worse.


What To Do?

  • Prepare. Bundle up. Stay extra cozy during the winter months
  • Plan ahead. Don’t wait until the last minute. Anticipate your needs and make lists – they help!
  • Be proactive. Do you know you have allergies? Stock up on allergy medications and take them as needed.
  • Avoid Caffeine
  • Exercise. One of the greatest things you can do for yourself to fight stress.
  • Wear a custom fit night guard to prevent sensitivity/further damage

Make yourself happy. Treat yourself. Relax and don’t be in such a hurry. We live in a society where the busier we are, the more important we feel and the more respect we receive from our peers.

We’re all in such a hurry to climb the ladder, to make our house look perfect, to have the best dressed and most cultured children, to look a certain way, to fit the mold.

Relax. Your health should be at the top of your list & that health is often compromised because of stress we put on ourselves.

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