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What Is the Night Guard Dental Insurance Code?
July 16, 2023 · Ashely Notarmaso

what is the dental insurance code for night guard purchase

Will dental insurance cover a night guard purchased online?

The coverage for a night guard purchased online by dental insurance can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and its terms and conditions. It’s best to consult your dental insurance provider directly or review your policy documents to understand the details of your coverage.

Some dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost for a night guard, whether it’s purchased online or through a dental professional, while others may not provide coverage for online purchases. It’s essential to contact your dental insurance provider to confirm the coverage and any requirements or limitations that may apply.


Night guards play a crucial role in dental care, providing protection and relief for individuals who suffer from teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism. With the convenience of online shopping, many people are now opting to purchase night guards online.

However, understanding the dental codes associated with these online purchases is essential for navigating insurance coverage and reimbursement processes. In this article, we will explore the three main dental codes for night guards purchased online, namely hard (full arch), soft (full arch), and hard (partial arch).

By familiarizing yourself with these dental codes, you can ensure that you have the necessary information to communicate with your dental insurance provider and make informed decisions about your dental care.

Can I , as an individual, contact my dental insurance company to ask if my night guard that is purchased online will be covered under my insurance?

Yes, as an individual, you can certainly contact your dental insurance company to inquire about the coverage of a night guard purchased online. It’s a good idea to reach out to your insurance provider directly to obtain accurate and personalized information regarding your specific plan and coverage.

By contacting your dental insurance company, you can ask questions about the eligibility, requirements, limitations, and reimbursement process for night guards purchased online. They will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding your policy and help you understand the coverage details related to your night guard purchase.

What type of night guards are eligible for insurance coverage?

The eligibility of night guards for insurance coverage can vary depending on your dental insurance provider and policy. In general, many dental insurance plans provide coverage for night guards that are deemed medically necessary to address conditions such as bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). However, coverage may differ based on the specific type of night guard.

Typically, both hard (full arch) night guards and soft (full arch) night guards have a higher chance of being eligible for insurance coverage. Hard night guards, which are made from rigid materials, provide durable protection against grinding and clenching. Soft night guards, on the other hand, are made from a more flexible material, offering a comfortable fit.

Hard (partial arch) night guards, which cover specific areas of the dental arch, may have varying levels of coverage depending on the insurance provider and policy. Some insurance plans may consider hard (partial arch) night guards as cosmetic or less essential, potentially resulting in limited coverage or no coverage at all.

To determine the eligibility of night guards for insurance coverage, it is best to review your dental insurance policy or contact your insurance provider directly. They can provide specific information about the coverage, any associated requirements, and the reimbursement process for night guards.

Understanding Dental Codes

Dental codes play a crucial role in the realm of dental insurance, serving as standardized identifiers for specific dental procedures and treatments. These codes are used for various purposes, including insurance claims, billing, and communication between dental professionals and insurance providers. The most widely used dental coding systems include the Current Dental Terminology (CDT) code set and the American Dental Association (ADA) code system.

These systems provide a comprehensive framework for categorizing and documenting dental procedures, enabling streamlined processes for insurance claims and reimbursement. Understanding dental codes is essential for both dental professionals and patients, as they ensure accurate communication of the provided dental services, facilitating efficient processing of insurance claims and clear documentation of treatments.

By familiarizing yourself with dental codes, you can navigate the insurance landscape more effectively and have a better understanding of the coverage and billing procedures related to night guards purchased online.

will my dental insurance cover a night guard purchased online

Night Guards and Dental Codes

Night guards are oral appliances designed to protect teeth and alleviate the symptoms of bruxism, such as teeth grinding and clenching. When it comes to dental codes for night guards, there are three main types to consider: hard (full arch), soft (full arch), and hard (partial arch).

Hard (full arch) night guards are typically made from rigid materials and cover the entire dental arch, providing robust protection against bruxism.

Soft (full arch) night guards, on the other hand, are made from a softer, more flexible material that offers comfort while still providing adequate protection.

Hard (partial arch) night guards are designed to cover specific areas of the dental arch where grinding or clenching is most prominent.

Each type of night guard has its own dental code, such as D9940 or D9944, depending on the coding system used by your dental insurance provider. Understanding these dental codes is crucial for accurate billing, insurance claims, and ensuring proper coverage for your night guard purchased online.

Can you tell me what the night guard dental insurance codes are?

Here are the commonly used dental codes for night guards:

  1. Hard (Full Arch) Night Guards:
    • ADA Code: D9940
    • CDT Code: D9940
  2. Soft (Full Arch) Night Guards:
    • ADA Code: D9944
    • CDT Code: D9944
  3. Hard (Partial Arch) Night Guards:
    • ADA Code: D9941
    • CDT Code: D9941

Please note that these codes can vary slightly depending on the dental coding system used by your insurance provider. It’s recommended to verify the specific codes with your dental insurance company to ensure accuracy and confirm the codes they use for night guard coverage.

Are there any specific requirements or limitations for night guard coverage?

Yes, specific requirements and limitations for night guard coverage can vary depending on your dental insurance provider and policy. While it’s important to review your individual policy or contact your insurance provider for precise details, here are some common requirements and limitations that may apply:

  1. Medical Necessity: Insurance coverage for night guards often requires a demonstration of medical necessity. This means that you may need to provide evidence or documentation from your dentist or healthcare professional explaining the need for a night guard to address a specific dental condition like bruxism or TMJ disorder.
  2. Pre-Authorization: Some insurance plans may require pre-authorization before obtaining a night guard. This involves obtaining approval from your insurance provider in advance, usually by submitting relevant documentation such as dental records, X-rays, or a treatment plan from your dentist.
  3. Waiting Periods: Dental insurance plans may have waiting periods before coverage for certain procedures, including night guards, becomes effective. This means you may need to wait for a specific duration before being eligible for coverage. Waiting periods can vary, so it’s important to check your policy to determine if any apply.
  4. Coverage Limitations: Insurance coverage for night guards may have limitations in terms of frequency or cost. For example, your plan may specify coverage for a night guard every few years or limit coverage to a certain percentage of the cost. It’s essential to review your policy to understand the specific limitations that apply to your coverage.
  5. In-Network Providers: Some dental insurance plans have networks of preferred providers. If your plan has this requirement, you may need to visit an in-network dentist or dental specialist to receive coverage for your night guard. Out-of-network providers may result in reduced or no coverage.

It’s crucial to review the terms and conditions of your dental insurance policy or consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific requirements and limitations for night guard coverage under your plan. This ensures that you are aware of any prerequisites and can navigate the coverage and reimbursement process accordingly.

What documentation do I need to submit to my insurance provider for reimbursement?

The specific documentation requirements for reimbursement from your insurance provider can vary depending on your dental insurance policy. However, here are some commonly requested documents when seeking reimbursement for a night guard:

  1. Itemized Receipt or Invoice: Your insurance provider will likely require a detailed receipt or invoice that includes the date of purchase, description of the night guard, and the amount paid. The receipt should clearly indicate that the night guard was purchased and paid for out-of-pocket.
  2. Prescription or Letter of Medical Necessity: Some insurance plans may require a prescription or a letter from your dentist or healthcare professional confirming the medical necessity of the night guard. This document should explain the condition being treated (e.g., bruxism) and why a night guard is necessary.
  3. Dental Records: Your insurance provider may request relevant dental records, such as X-rays or treatment notes, that support the need for a night guard. These records help establish the medical necessity and ensure proper documentation.
  4. Proof of Payment: You may be asked to provide proof of payment, such as a bank statement or credit card statement, showing that you have paid for the night guard out-of-pocket.
  5. Claim Form: Your insurance provider may require you to complete a claim form, which is a standard document used to request reimbursement. The form typically includes your personal information, details of the night guard, and the amount paid.

It’s important to note that specific documentation requirements may vary depending on your insurance policy and provider. It’s recommended to review your policy documents or contact your insurance provider directly to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the documentation needed for reimbursement of a night guard purchased online.

Do I need a prescription from my dentist to claim coverage for a night guard?

The requirement for a prescription to claim coverage for a night guard can vary depending on your dental insurance provider and policy. Some insurance plans may require a prescription from your dentist or healthcare professional to establish the medical necessity of the night guard and qualify for coverage. The prescription would typically include information about your specific dental condition, such as bruxism, and why a night guard is deemed necessary for your treatment.

However, it’s important to note that not all insurance plans have a strict requirement for a prescription. Some plans may accept other forms of documentation, such as a letter of medical necessity from your dentist or healthcare professional, which explains the need for a night guard without an official prescription.

To determine whether a prescription is necessary for coverage, it is best to review your dental insurance policy or contact your insurance provider directly. They will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the specific requirements and documentation needed to claim coverage for a night guard.

Dental Insurance Coverage for Night Guards

When it comes to dental insurance coverage for night guards purchased online, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your policy and its provisions. Dental insurance coverage for night guards can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and its terms and conditions.

Some dental insurance plans may provide coverage for a portion of the cost of night guards, while others may have specific limitations or exclusions in place. It is essential to review your dental insurance policy and consult with your insurance provider to determine the extent of coverage for night guards purchased online.

Factors that may impact coverage include the type of night guard, such as hard (full arch), soft (full arch), or hard (partial arch), as well as any specific requirements or documentation needed for reimbursement.

By contacting your dental insurance provider and clarifying the coverage details, you can make informed decisions regarding your night guard purchase and understand the financial implications associated with it.

Coding and Billing Procedures

Proper coding and billing procedures are essential when seeking reimbursement for night guards purchased online through dental insurance. Accurate coding ensures that the dental procedure is properly identified, allowing for efficient processing of insurance claims.

When billing for a night guard, it’s crucial to use the appropriate dental code associated with the specific type of night guard purchased, such as D9940 for hard (full arch), D9944 for soft (full arch), or D9941 for hard (partial arch), depending on your insurance provider’s coding system.

Additionally, documentation requirements may vary, so it’s essential to keep records of the purchase, including receipts or invoices, to support the insurance claim. Following proper coding and billing procedures will increase the likelihood of receiving the maximum allowable reimbursement for your night guard purchase and help ensure a smooth and accurate reimbursement process with your dental insurance provider.

Communication with Dental Insurance Providers

Open and clear communication with your dental insurance provider is crucial when it comes to understanding coverage for night guards purchased online. If you have any questions or concerns about the dental codes, coverage limitations, or documentation requirements, it is recommended to reach out to your dental insurance provider directly.

Contacting your provider allows you to obtain accurate and up-to-date information specific to your insurance plan. Some key questions to ask may include whether night guards purchased online are eligible for coverage, what percentage of the cost is reimbursable, and if any specific documentation or pre-authorization is required.

By engaging in proactive communication with your dental insurance provider, you can gain the necessary insights and guidance to navigate the insurance landscape effectively and ensure a smooth reimbursement process for your night guard purchase.

Here are some reputable websites that commonly discuss dental insurance, night guards, and related topics:

  1. American Dental Association (ADA) – The ADA website ( offers resources on dental procedures, codes, and insurance-related information.
  2. National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) – The NADP website ( provides insights into dental insurance, coverage options, and industry news.
  3. Delta Dental – Delta Dental websites (e.g., offer educational resources, articles, and information on dental insurance coverage and night guards.
  4. WebMD – WebMD ( provides comprehensive health-related information, including articles on dental care, night guards, and insurance coverage.
  5. Verywell Health – Verywell Health ( offers articles and guides on dental topics, including night guards and dental insurance coverage.
  6. Healthline – Healthline ( features dental health articles, insurance guides, and information about night guards.

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