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5 Mouth Exercises to Stop Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching
December 26, 2022 · Ashely Notarmaso

lion's breath pose to relax the jaw and stop teeth grinding

Are you aware of the various mouth exercises to relax the jaw and stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching? You can read about them here in this breakdown.

5 Mouth Exercises to Stop Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching

Want to learn mouth exercises to stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching?

While there are several ways to combat this behavior, wearing a night guard is only one of them. To combat the action itself, you have to have a strategy that works.

Interested in learning more? If so, keep reading to find out!

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

1. Exercises That Work the Muscles of the Jaw

There are a few different exercises that work the muscles of the jaw. One is to sit up tall and place your tongue behind your top teeth. Then, open your mouth as wide as you can and close it slowly.

You can also place your fingers on your cheeks and then open your mouth as wide as you can against the resistance.

2. Exercises That Relax the Jaw

There are many exercises that can relax the jaw, one of the most effective being the jaw release exercise. This exercise involves placing the thumbs under your chin.

Gently open your mouth as wide as you can without pain. Hold in this position for five seconds. The jaw is then allowed to drop down and the process is repeated. This exercise can be performed 5 times twice a day.

3. Exercises That Improve Jaw Position

There are several different exercises that can be done in order to improve the jaw position. One such exercise is to sit in a comfortable position and take a small object, such as a pea, and place it between the teeth.

Gently close the teeth around the object and remember to keep the tongue behind the teeth. Another exercise is to put the index fingers on your face where your back molars are and push the lower jaw forward.

4. Exercises That Reduce Stress

There are a number of mouth exercises that can help to reduce stress. However, one to avoid is chewing gum.

There are some misconceptions about chewing gum. Some sources say that gum helps to release tension in the jaw, neck, and shoulders, and also helps to increase blood flow to the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function and reduce stress levels but the scientific evidence is mixed.

Chewing gum can actually train you to grind and clench more. If you suffer from teeth grinding and jaw clenching, avoid chewing gum as it can worsen your bruxism.

Another effective mouth exercise is yawning. Yawning helps to stretch the eardrums, which can help to release tension and improve blood circulation.

5. Exercises That Help You Sleep Better

There are a few mouth exercises that can help you sleep better. One is to purse your lips and make an O shape with your mouth.

Another is to smile as widely as you can. And lastly, you can try to make a face that looks like you’re trying to kiss the ceiling. These exercises help to relax the muscles in your face and jaw, which can lead to a better nights’ sleep.

Different Types of Mouth Exercise

Aside from the mouth exercises mentioned above, there are still other exercises that you can do to stop grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw. This includes:

Clenching and Unclenching the Jaw

There are many different types of mouth exercises that can help to stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

One simple exercise is to clench and unclench the jaw a few times in a row. This helps to relax the muscles in the face and jaw and can reduce teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Stick Out Your Tongue (Lion’s breath)

There are different types of mouth exercises to stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching. One type of mouth exercise is to stick out your tongue and open your mouth as wide as you can. In yoga, this is known as Lion’s breath. This type of mouth exercise can help to relax the muscles in your jaw and face.

It can also help to increase the range of motion in your jaw. Another type of mouth exercise is to place your tongue between your teeth and then open and close your mouth. This type of mouth exercise can help to stretch the muscles in your jaw and face.


Yawning helps to relax the jaw and release the tension that can lead to teeth grinding and jaw clenching. It also helps to increase the production of saliva, which can help to protect the teeth from damage.

To do a yawning exercise, simply yawn widely and hold the yawn for a few seconds. Repeat this several times throughout the day.

Fish Face

Mouth exercises including “fish face” can help stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching. “Fish face” is a term used to describe a range of exercises that involve making funny faces with your mouth.

These exercises work the muscles in your face and jaw and can help to relax them.

The Benefits of Doing Mouth Exercises

There are many benefits to doing mouth exercises to stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Some of these benefits include reducing stress, improving sleep, and relieving pain.

Stress is a major factor in teeth grinding and jaw clenching, so by reducing stress you can reduce the frequency and severity of these habits. Exercising the muscles in your face and jaw can also help to alleviate pain caused by teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Improving sleep can also reduce the likelihood of teeth grinding and jaw clenching, as these habits are often exacerbated by fatigue.

The Best Times to Do Mouth Exercises

There are many different times that people can do mouth exercises to help stop teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Some people may find that doing these exercises in the morning is helpful, while others may find that doing them at night is more effective.

It is important to experiment with different times to see what works best for you. Some people may also find it helpful to do mouth exercises during periods of stress or anxiety. This can help to relax the jaw and reduce teeth grinding.

Stop Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching Starting Today

If you struggle with teeth grinding or jaw clenching, give these exercises a try! These simple mouth exercises can help relax the muscles in your face, jaw, and neck.

Just remember to do it slowly and gently to avoid overworking your muscles.

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