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Why Do I Wake Up With Headaches From Teeth Grinding?
May 9, 2023 · Ashely Notarmaso

understanding teeth grinding and headache connection


Many of our customers experience the frustrating issue of frequent morning headaches that significantly interfere with their daily routines. Alongside these headaches, they often also struggle with jaw pain..

Understanding Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is the unintentional clenching or grinding of teeth, typically during sleep. It can also occur during periods of stress or concentration. Many individuals may be unaware that they grind their teeth, as it often happens involuntarily. Common signs include flattened or worn tooth surfaces, jaw pain, and sensitivity. Bruxism can affect individuals of all ages, but it is more prevalent in certain demographics, such as those under high stress or with sleep disorders.

The Link to Headaches

Have you ever wondered how teeth grinding could cause headaches first thing in the morning? The answer lies in the muscle tension and strain that occur during grinding.

Muscle Tension and Strain

Teeth grinding puts a significant amount of pressure on the muscles in the jaw, face, and neck, leading to tension and strain. Over time, this tension can cause the muscles to become fatigued and sore, leading to headaches.

Additionally, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the jawbone to the skull, can become irritated and inflamed due to the repetitive motions, resulting in referred pain to the head.

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

Recognizing Teeth Grinding-Related Headaches

Now that we understand how teeth grinding can lead to headaches, how can we recognize when the two are connected? There are a few types of headaches that are commonly associated with bruxism, including:

  • Tension headaches: These are the most common type of headache associated with teeth grinding. They are often described as a dull, constant pain that feels like a tight band around the head.
  • Migraines: While less common, migraines can also be triggered by teeth grinding. These headaches are typically more severe and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Cluster headaches: These headaches are less common but can be very severe and occur in clusters over a period of weeks or months.

If you often suffer from headaches and suspect that they may be related to teeth grinding, it’s essential to take proactive steps to protect your teeth and alleviate the pain. One effective measure you can take is to wear a custom mouthguard, specifically designed to fit your teeth and provide optimal protection.

Taking a dental impression for custom mouth guard

A custom mouthguard acts as a reliable shield against the harmful effects of teeth grinding. By wearing it while you sleep, you create a protective barrier that absorbs the impact of grinding, reducing the strain on your teeth, jaw joints, and surrounding muscles. It’s like having a trusted companion by your side, safeguarding your oral health.

Why wear a custom mouth guard for teeth grinding?

Here’s how it works:

  1. Cushions the Impact: A custom mouth guard, also known as an occlusal splint or nightguard, acts as a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth. It helps absorb the forces generated during teeth grinding, reducing the impact on your teeth, jaw joints, and surrounding muscles. By providing a cushioning effect, the mouth guard helps alleviate the strain on these structures, minimizing the likelihood of headaches.
  2. Muscular Relaxation: Mouth guards can also help promote muscle relaxation. By creating a physical barrier, they encourage the jaw muscles to remain in a more relaxed state during sleep. Relaxed muscles are less prone to tension and spasm, reducing the intensity and frequency of headaches associated with teeth grinding.
  3. Bite Redistribution: Teeth grinding often occurs due to an improper bite alignment or dental misalignment. A properly fitted mouth guard can help redistribute the forces exerted on your teeth, providing a more balanced bite relationship. This redistribution helps alleviate the strain on specific teeth and associated muscles, preventing headaches that may arise from bite-related issues.
  4. Protects Teeth and Dental Work: In addition to preventing headaches, mouth guards provide essential protection for your teeth. Grinding can cause wear, chipping, and fractures, leading to tooth sensitivity and discomfort. Mouth guards act as a barrier, shielding your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding forces. They also protect any existing dental work, such as crowns or fillings, from potential damage.

Effects on Oral Health

The effects of teeth grinding extend beyond headaches. The persistent grinding and clenching can lead to significant dental complications. Over time, tooth wear, fractures, and increased sensitivity may occur, compromising the integrity of your teeth. Moreover, the pressure exerted during bruxism can contribute to gum problems and even jaw disorders, such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD). If left untreated, the long-term consequences of bruxism can be detrimental to both oral health and overall well-being.

Solutions and Management

Fortunately, there are various approaches to manage and alleviate teeth grinding-related headaches. Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role, especially in reducing stress levels. Engaging in stress-reducing activities like exercise, meditation, and practicing good sleep hygiene can significantly reduce the likelihood of teeth grinding episodes. Additionally, protective oral appliances, such as customized mouthguards (mentioned above), can help minimize the impact of grinding on the teeth and jaw joints. In more severe cases, dental interventions, orthodontic treatments, and even Botox injections to relax the muscles can be considered under professional guidance.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is key when it comes to teeth grinding and headaches. Practicing good sleep hygiene, managing stress levels, and adopting relaxation techniques can help reduce the likelihood of bruxism episodes and associated headaches. Regular dental check-ups and maintaining oral health are also vital in preventing complications and catching any signs of teeth grinding early on.

If you suspect that teeth grinding is contributing to your headaches, don’t hesitate to visit our help center! Take our free 60 sec. quiz for guidance in helping choose the right mouth guard for you.

Additionally, you may want to consult with a dental professional. They can provide appropriate treatment options, and work with you to develop a personalized plan to alleviate the symptoms.

By addressing teeth grinding, we can put an end to the vicious cycle of headaches and reclaim our well-being. So, if you’re tired of battling those persistent headaches, take the first step in stopping the grind and regaining control over your life.

Stop grinding, stop headaches – it’s within your reach!

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