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Warning Signs of Bruxism
January 4, 2021 · Ashely Notarmaso

woman sleeping peacefully while not grinding her teeth

Checked and updated for accuracy on 06/19/23

Do you often wake up with a sore jaw, pounding headaches, or teeth that seem to have taken a beating overnight? If so, you might be experiencing bruxism, a common yet often overlooked condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

Bruxism refers to the involuntary clenching and grinding of teeth, which can occur during both wakefulness and sleep. While it may seem harmless at first, untreated bruxism can lead to severe dental problems, chronic pain, and even affect your overall well-being.

In this article, we will unravel the warning signs of bruxism, shedding light on the physical, oral health, emotional, and behavioral clues that shouldn’t be ignored.

By understanding these indicators, you can take proactive steps towards diagnosis, treatment, and safeguarding your dental health. So, let’s delve into the world of bruxism and discover the crucial signs that your teeth are trying to tell you.

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

Physical Warning Signs of Bruxism

When it comes to identifying bruxism, paying attention to physical manifestations is key. One of the most noticeable signs is dental symptoms, such as worn tooth surfaces, flattened teeth, or even fractures. These occur due to the excessive force exerted during grinding and clenching.

Additionally, individuals with bruxism often experience jaw and facial pain. Persistent discomfort in the jaw, face, or ear can be a clear indicator of the condition. Headaches, particularly tension headaches or migraines, are also commonly associated with bruxism. The relentless pressure exerted on the jaw and surrounding muscles can trigger these painful episodes.

Another physical clue is the presence of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) symptoms, including clicking, popping, or locking of the jaw. These joint-related issues can further exacerbate the effects of bruxism. Lastly, some individuals may notice bruxism-related muscle hypertrophy, where the jaw muscles become enlarged due to the chronic clenching and grinding. Paying attention to these physical warning signs can help you identify and address bruxism before it causes further damage.

1. Worn down or flat teeth

sentinel mouthguards flat teeth from grinding graphic

One of the most telling warning signs of bruxism is the presence of worn or flat teeth. When you examine your teeth and notice that the surfaces appear flattened or have lost their natural contours, it could indicate a chronic grinding or clenching habit.

The repetitive friction and pressure exerted on the teeth during bruxism gradually wear down the enamel, leading to a flattened appearance. Additionally, you may observe that the edges of your teeth have become noticeably smoother or even develop slight notches. These changes in tooth structure can affect your bite alignment and cause discomfort when chewing.

If left unaddressed, the excessive wear on the teeth can result in further dental complications, such as increased sensitivity, tooth fractures, or even the need for extensive dental restorations. Therefore, if you notice these signs, it is important to consult with a dental professional to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options.

2. Fracture lines, chipped or cracked teeth

craze lines in teeth from grinding and clenching
Craze lines in teeth from grinding and clenching

Fracture lines, chipped, or cracked teeth serve as significant warning signs of bruxism, providing visible evidence of the excessive forces exerted during grinding and clenching. When teeth are subjected to prolonged and intense pressure, they become vulnerable to damage.

Small fracture lines may appear on the enamel, resembling thin cracks or craze lines. In more severe cases, bruxism can lead to chipped or broken teeth, where a portion of the tooth enamel or even the underlying structure becomes compromised.

These dental fractures can vary in size and severity, ranging from minor chips to more noticeable cracks that extend into the tooth’s dentin or pulp. It’s important to note that these dental injuries often occur on multiple teeth, especially those in the back of the mouth that bear the brunt of grinding forces. If you notice any signs of dental fractures, chipped, or cracked teeth, it is crucial to seek dental evaluation and appropriate treatment to prevent further damage and preserve your oral health.

3. Jaw & Facial Pain

Jaw and facial pain are common warning signs that accompany bruxism, serving as important indicators of the condition. Individuals with bruxism often experience persistent discomfort in the jaw, face, or even the ear region. This pain can range from a dull ache to more intense throbbing sensations. The constant clenching and grinding of teeth exert excessive pressure on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the surrounding muscles.

As a result, the jaw muscles become fatigued and strained, leading to discomfort and pain. It’s worth noting that this pain can sometimes radiate to other areas, such as the temples, neck, and shoulders. For many individuals, the jaw and facial pain is most pronounced upon waking up in the morning, as bruxism often occurs during sleep.

If you consistently experience these symptoms, it is crucial to consult with a dental professional or healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options. Managing bruxism can help alleviate jaw and facial pain, improving your overall well-being.

4. Waking up with headaches

Waking up with headaches is another telling warning sign that may be associated with bruxism. Many individuals who clench or grind their teeth during sleep often experience frequent tension headaches or migraines upon awakening.

The intense and prolonged pressure on the jaw muscles and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) during bruxism can contribute to the development of these headaches. The strain and tension in the muscles surrounding the jaw and temples can radiate pain throughout the head, resulting in morning headaches.

These headaches can range from mild discomfort to debilitating migraines, impacting one’s ability to start the day comfortably. If you consistently wake up with headaches, it is important to consider the possibility of bruxism and seek professional evaluation. Addressing bruxism through appropriate treatment measures can help alleviate the frequency and intensity of morning headaches, improving your overall quality of life.

5. Sensitive Teeth

sensitive teeth due to bruxism

Sensitive teeth can be a notable warning sign of bruxism, signaling potential damage to the tooth enamel. Individuals with bruxism often experience increased tooth sensitivity, particularly to hot, cold, or sweet substances.

The continuous grinding and clenching actions exert excessive forces on the teeth, gradually wearing down the protective enamel layer. As a result, the underlying dentin, which contains microscopic tubules connecting to the tooth’s nerve endings, becomes exposed.

This exposure to external stimuli can lead to heightened sensitivity and discomfort when consuming certain foods or beverages. Furthermore, the loss of enamel can make the teeth more susceptible to cavities and further damage. If you notice heightened tooth sensitivity, it is crucial to consult with a dental professional who can assess the underlying cause and recommend appropriate interventions. Treating bruxism can help preserve the enamel, alleviate tooth sensitivity, and protect your oral health.

Emotional and Behavioral Cues

Bruxism is not solely limited to physical symptoms; it can also manifest through emotional and behavioral clues. Stress and anxiety often play a significant role in the development and exacerbation of bruxism. The subconscious grinding and clenching of teeth during sleep or even awake bruxism can be a response to heightened levels of stress or emotional tension.

Therefore, if you find yourself experiencing excessive stress or anxiety, it’s essential to be mindful of any accompanying teeth grinding or clenching. Another behavioral clue is disrupted sleep patterns. Bruxism can cause sleep disturbances, such as frequent arousals or even snoring, which may be noticed by a sleep partner.

Additionally, some individuals with bruxism may awaken during the night with a sore jaw or headache, indicating nocturnal grinding episodes. By paying attention to these emotional and behavioral clues, you can gain valuable insights into the presence of bruxism and its potential underlying causes. Addressing the stressors and seeking appropriate management techniques, along with targeted bruxism treatment, can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall sleep quality and emotional well-being.


Recognizing the warning signs of bruxism is crucial for early intervention and prevention of further dental complications. From physical symptoms like worn or flat teeth, jaw and facial pain, and dental fractures to oral health indications like tooth sensitivity and gum inflammation, the signs of bruxism are diverse and should not be ignored. Additionally, emotional and behavioral clues such as stress, disrupted sleep patterns, and nocturnal awakenings can also provide valuable insights into the presence of bruxism. By being vigilant and proactive in identifying these warning signs, individuals can seek appropriate professional help from dentists and healthcare providers.

Timely diagnosis and intervention are vital in managing bruxism effectively. Dental professionals can conduct thorough examinations, including oral assessments and diagnostic procedures, to confirm the presence of bruxism and evaluate its impact on oral health. Treatment options may include the use of custom mouthguards or splints to protect teeth from further damage, behavioral therapies to address underlying stress or anxiety, and stress management techniques to promote relaxation.

It is important to understand that bruxism is a multifactorial condition, often influenced by a combination of physical, psychological, and environmental factors. Therefore, a collaborative approach involving dental and medical professionals can provide comprehensive care to address both the dental aspects of bruxism and any underlying contributing factors.

By acknowledging and addressing the warning signs of bruxism, individuals can protect their oral health, alleviate discomfort, and improve their overall well-being. So, if you suspect bruxism based on any of the signs discussed in this article, take the proactive step of consulting with a dental professional. Remember, taking care of your teeth goes beyond brushing and flossing; it also involves recognizing and addressing conditions like bruxism for a healthier smile and a better quality of life.

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