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What Should I Do if My Dental Retainer Breaks?
June 15, 2023 · Ashely Notarmaso

what should I do if my dental retainer breaks

If your dental retainer breaks, it’s important to take appropriate steps to address the issue. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Gather the broken pieces: Carefully collect all the fragments of your broken dental retainer. Avoid further damage or misplacement of any component.
  2. Contact your orthodontist: Reach out to your orthodontist as soon as possible to inform them about the situation. They will provide guidance on what to do next based on the type of retainer you have and the extent of the damage.
  3. Follow your orthodontist’s advice: Your orthodontist may ask you to visit their office for an evaluation and possible repair or replacement of the retainer. It’s essential to heed their professional advice, as they understand your specific dental situation best.
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If orthodontic treatment has been completed and this is your final set of dental retainers that broke, Sentinel Mouthguards offers custom-fit dental retainers that can be ordered online. While our retainers are more cost-effective compared to some orthodontic practices, It’s important to note that online aligner services may not be suitable for everyone.

Some cases require more complex orthodontic treatment or in-person supervision. Consulting with your orthodontist will help determine if online aligners are a viable option for you. They can provide insights and advice specific to your dental history and needs, ensuring the best possible outcome for your smile.

How can I fix a broken dental retainer at home?

Fixing a broken dental retainer at home is generally not recommended, as it requires specialized knowledge and equipment. However, if you are unable to immediately visit your orthodontist or seek professional assistance, here are some temporary measures you can try:

  1. Gather the broken pieces: Collect all the fragments of your broken dental retainer and keep them in a safe place.
  2. Dental wax or orthodontic relief wax: If the retainer is not broken but rather slightly torn or there are sharp or uncomfortable edges on the retainer, you can use dental wax or orthodontic relief wax (available at pharmacies or online) to create a smooth surface. This can help prevent irritation or injury to your mouth.
  3. Avoid wearing the broken retainer: It’s generally advisable to refrain from wearing a broken retainer, especially if it’s causing discomfort or if the break compromises its functionality. Wearing a damaged retainer could potentially harm your teeth or gums.
  4. Contact your orthodontist: Reach out to your orthodontist as soon as possible to inform them about the situation. They will provide guidance on whether you need to visit their office for repair or replacement.
  5. Follow your orthodontist’s advice: Your orthodontist will determine the best course of action based on the type and severity of the break. They may recommend a temporary fix until you can see them or advise against attempting repairs at home.

Can I wear a broken retainer?

It is generally not recommended to wear a broken dental retainer. A broken retainer may not provide the necessary support or pressure to maintain the alignment of your teeth properly. Additionally, wearing a broken retainer can potentially cause discomfort, irritation, or injury to your mouth, gums, or teeth.

If your dental retainer is broken, it’s best to contact your orthodontist as soon as possible. They will assess the damage and provide guidance on whether the retainer needs repair or replacement. It’s important to follow your orthodontist’s advice to ensure the best possible outcome for your dental health and the long-term stability of your teeth alignment.

Avoid attempting to wear a broken retainer as a substitute for a functional one, as it may lead to undesirable consequences, such as teeth shifting or additional damage to the retainer or your oral health.

Is it normal for a dental retainer to break?

Dental retainers can break, although it is not considered normal or expected. Retainers are designed to be durable and withstand normal use. However, several factors can contribute to a retainer breaking:

  1. Wear and tear: Over time, continuous use of a retainer can lead to wear and tear, causing it to weaken and potentially break.
  2. Accidental damage: Accidents or mishandling of the retainer, such as dropping it or biting down on it with excessive force, can cause it to break.
  3. Poor maintenance: Improper care and maintenance of a retainer, such as exposure to high temperatures or improper cleaning methods, can weaken its structure and make it more prone to breaking.
  4. Changes in teeth alignment: If there are significant changes in your teeth alignment or bite after orthodontic treatment, the retainer may experience excessive stress, potentially leading to breakage.

If your dental retainer breaks, it’s important to consult your orthodontist for guidance on how to proceed. They can assess the cause of the breakage, evaluate your dental condition, and provide the necessary solutions, such as repair or replacement of the retainer.

Remember to handle your retainer with care, follow proper maintenance instructions provided by your orthodontist, and promptly address any concerns or issues you may have.

How much does it cost to replace a broken dental retainer?

When it comes to orthodontist costs, the price of replacing a broken dental retainer can range from approximately $500 or more. The exact cost will depend on various factors, including the complexity of the retainer, any necessary adjustments, and the specific fees charged by the orthodontist.

Alternatively, online alternatives such as Sentinel Mouthguards offer affordable options for retainer replacement. The cost of replacement retainers through online services like Sentinel Mouthguards can start as low as $129. Sentinel Mouthguards offer a convenient and cost-effective option for individuals who have completed their orthodontic treatment and require replacement retainers.

How does Sentinel Mouthguards make my replacement retainers?

When you choose Sentinel Mouthguards for your replacement retainers, the process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Placing an order: Visit the Sentinel Mouthguards website and select the option for replacement retainers. You can choose an upper teeth only, lower teeth only or a full set.
  2. Impression kit: Sentinel Mouthguards will send you an impression kit, which includes detailed instructions, impression trays, and dental putty. You will follow the instructions to create molds of your teeth.
  3. Sending the impressions: Once you have taken the impressions, you will package them securely and send them back to Sentinel Mouthguards using the provided prepaid shipping label.
  4. Professional evaluation: Upon receiving your impressions, Sentinel Mouthguards’ dental professionals will carefully evaluate them to ensure accuracy and assess your specific dental needs.
  5. Retainer fabrication: Using your impressions as a guide, Sentinel Mouthguards will fabricate your replacement retainers. We use high-quality materials to create custom-fit retainers designed to match the contours of your teeth.
  6. Quality control and adjustments: Before shipping the retainers to you, Sentinel Mouthguards performs a thorough quality control check to ensure that the retainers meet their standards. If any adjustments or modifications are necessary, they will be made at this stage.
  7. Delivery and instructions: Once the replacement retainers are ready, Sentinel Mouthguards will ship them to your designated address. The package will include detailed instructions on how to properly wear and care for your new retainers.

What are the consequences of not fixing a broken dental retainer?

Not fixing a broken dental retainer can have several consequences, which can vary depending on the severity of the break and the individual’s specific circumstances. Here are some potential consequences of not addressing a broken dental retainer:

  1. Teeth shifting: Dental retainers play a crucial role in maintaining the alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. If a broken retainer is not repaired or replaced, there is a risk of teeth shifting or moving out of their desired positions. Over time, this can undo the progress achieved through previous orthodontic treatment.
  2. Bite problems: Misaligned teeth due to a broken retainer can lead to bite problems. This can cause discomfort, difficulties in chewing or speaking, and may even affect your overall oral health.
  3. Reduced effectiveness: A broken retainer may not provide the necessary support to maintain the achieved teeth alignment. It may no longer fit properly or apply the required pressure, leading to a reduced effectiveness in retaining your teeth in their desired positions.
  4. Discomfort or pain: Wearing a broken retainer can cause discomfort or pain, especially if there are sharp edges or if it doesn’t fit properly. This can result in irritation or sores in the mouth, making it uncomfortable to wear the retainer.
  5. Potential oral health issues: A broken retainer that doesn’t fit properly or causes teeth misalignment can make oral hygiene more challenging. It can create spaces or overlaps between teeth that are difficult to clean, increasing the risk of plaque buildup, tooth decay, or gum problems.
  6. Lengthened treatment time: If a broken retainer is not addressed promptly, it may require additional orthodontic treatment to correct the teeth shifting that occurs as a result. This can prolong the overall treatment time and potentially increase the associated costs.

To prevent these consequences, it’s crucial to consult your orthodontist as soon as possible if your dental retainer breaks. They will assess the situation and provide appropriate recommendations, which may involve repairing or replacing the retainer to ensure the continued alignment and stability of your teeth.

How long can I go without wearing my retainer if it’s broken?

If your dental retainer is broken, it is generally advisable to avoid prolonged periods without wearing it, especially if it was part of your orthodontic treatment. However, the specific duration that you can go without wearing your retainer will depend on various factors, including the severity of the break, the stability of your teeth alignment, and the advice provided by your orthodontist. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Temporary period: If your retainer is broken, but you have an upcoming appointment with your orthodontist, they may advise you to temporarily go without wearing it until they can assess the situation and provide appropriate guidance. During this temporary period, it’s important to follow any instructions or precautions given by your orthodontist.
  2. Mild break: If the break is minor and your teeth alignment is stable, your orthodontist may advise you to wear the retainer for a reduced duration each day or during specific times, such as nights only. This temporary adjustment allows you to maintain some level of retention while minimizing the potential risks associated with a broken retainer.
  3. Severe break: In cases where the retainer is significantly damaged or doesn’t fit properly, your orthodontist may recommend avoiding wearing it altogether until a repair or replacement can be made. Wearing a severely broken retainer may be uncomfortable or ineffective, and it can potentially cause harm to your teeth or gums.

It’s important to note that the longer you go without wearing a broken retainer, the higher the risk of teeth shifting or relapse. Teeth can begin to move as soon as the retainer is not providing the necessary support. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult your orthodontist as soon as possible to address the broken retainer and minimize the potential consequences.

Follow the guidance provided by your orthodontist regarding the duration and precautions for not wearing your retainer. They will be able to evaluate your specific situation and provide the best advice based on your dental history and treatment needs.

Can a broken dental retainer cause my teeth to shift?

Yes, a broken dental retainer can potentially cause your teeth to shift. Dental retainers are specifically designed to hold your teeth in their desired positions after orthodontic treatment. When a retainer breaks or is not worn as recommended, it may no longer provide the necessary support to maintain the alignment of your teeth. As a result, teeth can gradually shift or move out of their intended positions.

Teeth shifting can occur at varying rates depending on factors such as the individual’s oral anatomy, the extent of the retainer’s damage, and the duration without wearing the retainer. However, it’s important to note that teeth shifting is a gradual process, and the extent and speed of movement can vary from person to person.

To prevent unwanted teeth shifting, it’s crucial to address a broken retainer promptly. Contact your orthodontist if your retainer breaks, and follow their guidance on repair or replacement. They can assess the severity of the break, evaluate your teeth alignment, and recommend the best course of action to prevent or minimize teeth shifting.

Remember that consistent retainer wear as instructed by your orthodontist is essential for maintaining the achieved alignment and preventing relapse. If you experience any issues with your retainer, it’s important to consult with your orthodontist to ensure timely intervention and minimize the risk of teeth shifting.


In conclusion, when a dental retainer breaks, it is crucial to take appropriate steps to address the situation promptly. Wearing a broken retainer is generally not recommended, as it can lead to teeth shifting, discomfort, and potential oral health issues. The consequences of not fixing a broken retainer can include compromised teeth alignment, bite problems, reduced effectiveness, discomfort, and extended treatment time.

Seeking professional assistance from your orthodontist is essential when dealing with a broken retainer. They have the expertise to assess the severity of the break, evaluate your teeth alignment, and provide the appropriate solutions, such as repair or replacement. Following your orthodontist’s guidance and instructions will help ensure the best outcome for your dental health and the longevity of your treatment results.

Remember, your dental health is a priority, and it is worth investing in proper care for your teeth alignment. Regular retainer wear, adherence to maintenance instructions, and timely communication with your orthodontist are essential to preserve the results of your orthodontic treatment and maintain a healthy, confident smile for years to come.

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