woman sleeping peacefully after taking magnesium supplement

Magnesium for Teeth Grinding: What You Need to Know to Take Control.

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can be a persistent source of discomfort and disruption in daily life. From damaged teeth to jaw pain and headaches, its consequences can be significant if left untreated. However, exploring natural remedies like magnesium supplementation offers promising avenues for relief.

Understanding Magnesium’s Potential:

Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle relaxation, making it an intriguing option for addressing teeth grinding. While ongoing research continues to explore its effectiveness in this regard, its ability to relax muscles theoretically suggests it could help alleviate bruxism symptoms.

Additionally, magnesium can promote better sleep, and since bruxism is often associated with sleep disorders, it is thought that improving sleep quality may indirectly alleviate teeth grinding.

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

Exploring Natural Solutions:

In addition to magnesium, various other natural remedies can assist in managing teeth grinding. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce overall tension, potentially easing the propensity to grind teeth. Applying warm compresses to the jaw before bed can also promote relaxation, aiding in mitigating bruxism symptoms. Furthermore, avoiding stimulants like caffeine and alcohol before sleep can contribute to a more restful night, potentially reducing the likelihood of teeth clenching.

The Importance of Professional Guidance:

While natural solutions offer promise, consulting a dentist is essential for a comprehensive approach to managing teeth grinding. Dentists can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. This may include the use of mouth guards to protect teeth from grinding damage or addressing underlying stress or anxiety triggers through therapeutic interventions.

Recent study

In a recent study published on October 19, 2023, magnesium and its connection to bruxism is explored further. Below is a summation of its findings.

Magnesium (Mg) is really important for how our bodies work. It helps with things like our energy levels, how our cells communicate, and even how our muscles relax. In our brains, it helps us handle stress better.

When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones like corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and adrenocorticotropic hormone. But magnesium steps in and helps calm down these stress signals, making us feel more relaxed.

If we don’t get enough magnesium, our nerves can get overexcited, leading to feelings of anxiety or being on edge. It can also mess with our sleep and make us more sensitive to stress.

And here’s the kicker: Stress can actually make our bodies lose magnesium, creating a cycle where stress makes us low on magnesium, which then makes us even more sensitive to stress.

But the good news is, making sure we get enough magnesium can help protect our brains from the harmful effects of stress and keep us feeling more calm and resilient.

Overall, Mg plays a vital neuroprotective role, counteracting the deleterious effects of stress on neuronal function and promoting relaxation and resilience in the face of stressors.

Natural Solutions for Teeth Grinding:

Incorporating magnesium supplementation into one’s routine is just one aspect of a holistic approach to managing bruxism. Alongside relaxation techniques and lifestyle adjustments, it can contribute to a more comfortable sleep experience.

If you’re experiencing teeth grinding, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a dentist. They can evaluate your specific situation, identify any underlying causes or contributing factors, and recommend appropriate treatments or interventions. They may suggest strategies such as stress management techniques, relaxation exercises, or dental devices like mouthguards to help alleviate the symptoms of bruxism.

does magnesium help teeth grinding

Are there specific types of magnesium that are more effective for treating bruxism?

When it comes to magnesium supplementation for treating bruxism, there is no specific type of magnesium that has been proven to be more effective than others. However, different forms of magnesium have varying absorption rates and may have slightly different effects on the body. Here are a few commonly available forms of magnesium:

  1. Magnesium oxide: This form of magnesium has a high elemental magnesium content but is generally less bioavailable compared to other forms. It may require higher doses to achieve the desired effect.
  2. Magnesium citrate: Magnesium citrate is more bioavailable than magnesium oxide and is often used as a laxative. It may be absorbed more readily by the body but can also have a laxative effect in larger doses.
  3. Magnesium glycinate: Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium that is bound to the amino acid glycine. It is often recommended for its potential calming and relaxing effects and may be better tolerated by individuals who experience digestive issues with other forms of magnesium.
  4. Magnesium chloride: This form of magnesium is derived from magnesium chloride salts and is believed to have good absorption. It is commonly used in topical applications such as magnesium oil or lotions.

While some anecdotal reports suggest that certain forms of magnesium, such as magnesium glycinate, may be more effective in alleviating bruxism symptoms, there is no definitive scientific evidence to support these claims. The choice of magnesium supplement may vary based on individual preferences, tolerability, and the advice of a healthcare professional.

Can I get enough magnesium through my diet to help with teeth grinding?

Not all people can or should take magnesium in a pill form.

Some individuals may need to “up” their daily dosage of magnesium the good old fashioned way, e.g. eating leafy greens, avocados, broccoli, beans, seeds and nuts, even dairy products, meat, chocolate and coffee!

It is possible to obtain an adequate amount of magnesium through your diet to support overall health, but whether it will specifically help with teeth grinding (bruxism) is uncertain. Magnesium-rich foods can be part of a balanced diet, and they may contribute to your overall magnesium intake.

Here are some food sources that are generally considered good sources of magnesium:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens.
  2. Nuts and seeds: Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseeds.
  3. Legumes: Black beans, chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans.
  4. Whole grains: Brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat.
  5. Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and halibut.
  6. Dairy products: Milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  7. Dark chocolate: High-quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

Incorporating these magnesium-rich foods into your diet can provide you with a natural source of magnesium. However, it’s important to note that the magnesium content in foods can vary due to factors like soil quality and processing methods. Additionally, individual dietary habits and variations in absorption can affect how much magnesium you actually absorb from your food.

What is the recommended daily dosage of magnesium for preventing teeth grinding?

The recommended daily dosage of magnesium for preventing teeth grinding or bruxism can vary depending on individual factors and health conditions. The adequate intake (AI) levels for magnesium established by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) are as follows:

  • Adult males (ages 19-30): 400-420 mg/day
  • Adult females (ages 19-30): 310-320 mg/day
  • Adult males (ages 31 and older): 420 mg/day
  • Adult females (ages 31 and older): 320 mg/day

These are general guidelines for magnesium intake to support overall health. However, when it comes to using magnesium specifically for preventing teeth grinding, there is no universally agreed-upon dosage.

If you are considering magnesium supplementation for bruxism, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations. They can take into account factors such as your age, overall health, existing medications, and any other specific considerations that may impact the appropriate dosage for you.

What does magnesium have to do with my teeth grinding?

The relationship between magnesium and teeth grinding (bruxism) is not yet fully understood, but there are a few potential connections that have been suggested.

  1. Muscle Relaxation: Magnesium is involved in muscle function and relaxation. It is believed that magnesium supplementation might help relax the jaw muscles involved in teeth grinding, potentially reducing the intensity and frequency of grinding episodes. However, the direct impact of magnesium on bruxism is still being studied, and more research is needed to establish a clear connection.
  2. Sleep Quality: Bruxism is often associated with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome. Magnesium supplementation has been proposed to improve sleep quality, as it may help regulate neurotransmitters and promote relaxation. By improving overall sleep, magnesium might indirectly alleviate teeth grinding associated with sleep disturbances.
  3. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Stress and anxiety are known contributors to teeth grinding. Some studies suggest that magnesium may have calming effects and help reduce stress and anxiety levels. By addressing these underlying factors, magnesium supplementation could potentially alleviate bruxism symptoms.

It’s important to note that while these mechanisms are plausible, the scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of magnesium for treating teeth grinding is limited and mixed. The impact of magnesium supplementation may vary among individuals, and its effectiveness as a standalone treatment for bruxism remains uncertain.

Fact: Drinking alcohol before bed worsens teeth grinding. Avoid drinking or taking any stimulants hours before bed time.

Are most Americans magnesium deficient?

According to World Health Organization statistics, most US adults are deficient in magnesium. Up to 75% of adults in the US do not meet the recommended amount of daily magnesium intake.

A damaged digestive tract and/or certain digestive disorders may cause individuals to not be able to absorb Magnesium fully or properly.

Can I take too much magnesium?

Absolutely! Taking too much magnesium can lead to confusion, feeling sleepy (lethargy), muscle weakness and stomach pain/diarrhea.

How long does it take for magnesium to show results in reducing teeth grinding?

The timeframe for magnesium to reduce teeth grinding (bruxism) varies and isn’t well-established. It may take several weeks of consistent supplementation to potentially see changes. Individual factors like physiology and the severity of bruxism play a role. Magnesium should be part of a comprehensive approach that may include stress management and dental devices. Consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice and monitoring.

Are there any potential side effects of taking magnesium?

Magnesium supplementation is generally considered safe for most individuals when taken within the recommended dosage. However, like any supplement or medication, there can be potential side effects, although they tend to be rare and mild.

Here are some possible side effects associated with magnesium supplementation:

  1. Gastrointestinal issues: Taking high doses of magnesium, particularly certain forms like magnesium citrate, can cause digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, and nausea. These effects are more likely to occur when exceeding the recommended dosage.
  2. Upset stomach: Some individuals may experience general stomach discomfort or an upset stomach when taking magnesium supplements.
  3. Low blood pressure: Magnesium can have a slight blood pressure-lowering effect. If you already have low blood pressure or are taking medications that lower blood pressure, excessive magnesium intake may further decrease blood pressure levels.
  4. Interactions with medications: Magnesium supplements can interact with certain medications, including antibiotics, bisphosphonates, diuretics, and others. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to assess potential interactions with your specific medications.
  5. Allergic reactions: Although rare, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to magnesium supplements, resulting in symptoms such as rash, itching, or swelling.

Is magnesium more effective when combined with other treatments for teeth grinding?

While the effectiveness of magnesium for treating teeth grinding (bruxism) is still not well-established, combining magnesium supplementation with other treatments or interventions may potentially enhance the overall management of bruxism. Bruxism is a complex condition with various contributing factors, and a comprehensive approach is often recommended.

Here are some additional treatments and interventions commonly used for bruxism:

  1. Stress management techniques: Since stress and anxiety can contribute to bruxism, learning and implementing stress reduction techniques, such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness, and counseling, may help manage bruxism symptoms.
  2. Oral appliances or mouthguards: Dentists often prescribe custom-made mouthguards or splints that can be worn during sleep to protect the teeth and reduce the effects of grinding.
  3. Dental corrections: In cases where bruxism is caused by dental misalignment or bite issues, orthodontic treatments or dental corrections may be recommended to improve the alignment of teeth and reduce grinding.
  4. Sleep hygiene improvements: Practicing good sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and avoiding stimulating substances before bed, can promote better sleep quality and potentially alleviate bruxism symptoms.
  5. Medications: In certain cases, medications such as muscle relaxants or medications for managing sleep disorders may be prescribed to address underlying factors contributing to bruxism.

Combining these approaches with magnesium supplementation may provide a more holistic approach to managing bruxism. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or a dentist to discuss the most appropriate treatment options for your specific situation. They can provide personalized recommendations and help create a comprehensive treatment plan based on your individual needs.

Can you cure teeth grinding?

is magnesium good for teeth grinding

There is no surefire way to cure teeth grinding, but there are ways to lessen the intensity of teeth grinding. Sometimes we simply stop on our own with no real explanation.

Children oftentimes grind their teeth together intensely while they’re young, and outgrow the habit at a later age.

Adults can also go through spurts of teeth grinding throughout our lives only to stop and then start again. Some of us grind severely our whole lives.

Stress is still the #1 indicator of teeth grinding. We hold an incredible amount of tension in our jaw area. Be aware of this and take on the practice of stretching, relaxing the neck, face and shoulder area. Relax the mind and wear a dental night guard.

Would you like to learn more about Sentinel Mouthguards products and services? Visit our help center today!

This article, last updated on May 13th, 2024 provides the latest information on the potential connection between magnesium deficiency and teeth grinding. We’ve incorporated recent studies and insights to ensure the information is current.


sentinel mouthguards author
Ashely Notarmaso

Ashely Notarmaso is the author behind the Sentinel Mouth Guard Blog. She is the CEO and founder of Sentinel Mouth Guards (Founded in 2012) Her long-time work in the dental mouth guard arena and her excellent ability to listen to customer concerns in this often contradictory field has laid the groundwork to explore night guard/mouth guard fabrication in-depth and address real concerns. With the help of her team, she has created a unique fabrication method that promises a great fitting custom oral appliance every time. Amazon’s choice for #1 mouth guard! Visit the online store http://sentinelmouthguards.com

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