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Can Grinding Your Teeth Really Change Your Facial Features?
March 29, 2023 · Ashely Notarmaso

how bruxism affects face shape

Do you grind your teeth at night or clench your jaw during the day? If so, you’re not alone – millions of people around the world suffer from bruxism, a condition that causes you to unconsciously clench or grind your teeth. But did you know that bruxism can have an impact on the shape and appearance of your face? That’s right! Bruxism can also change the way your jawline, cheeks, and other facial features look over time.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the hidden impact of bruxism on your face. We’ll answer the question that’s been on many teeth grinders’ minds: Can it really change your features? We’ll dive into the science behind bruxism, explaining:

-how it affects your appearance

-tips and solutions to prevent or mitigate the cosmetic effects of this condition.

So, if you’re curious about how your bruxism may be impacting your appearance, keep reading!

can bruxism change the shape of your face


Bruxism is a condition that causes you to clench or grind your teeth. This disorder occurs usually while you’re asleep at night or during stressful periods during the day. Bruxism is a common problem that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. The impact of bruxism on your dental health and overall wellbeing can be overwhelming. Bruxism can also have a hidden impact on the shape and appearance of your face over time.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), bruxism affects up to 40 million adults in the United States alone, making it a widespread problem that deserves more attention. Bruxism can manifest in different ways, including rhythmic contractions of the jaw muscles, forceful teeth grinding, or clenching of the teeth. Some people may experience mild symptoms that don’t require treatment. Other individuals may suffer from severe pain, tooth damage, and sleep disturbances because of their bruxism.

There are two main types of bruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. Sleep bruxism, also known as nocturnal bruxism, is the most common type and occurs during sleep without conscious awareness. Awake bruxism, on the other hand, happens during the day. Stress, anxiety, or other emotional factors can trigger it.

While the exact causes of bruxism are still unclear, research suggests that multiple factors may contribute to its development, including:

  • Abnormal alignment of teeth or jaw
  • Stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Medications that affect the nervous system
  • Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea
  • Lifestyle factors such as alcohol and caffeine consumption

Wearing a custom mouth guard can prevent further damage to your teeth and gums and reduce the risk of cosmetic changes to your face.

defend your teeth against the daily grind graphic

How does bruxism change the shape of the face?

The link between bruxism and facial changes

The link between bruxism and facial changes is not fully understood. Research suggests that the repeated contraction of the jaw muscles during teeth grinding and jaw clenching can lead to cosmetic issues over time.

One of the main ways bruxism can affect your facial features is by causing changes in your jawline and facial symmetry. When you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, you put a lot of pressure on your masseter and temporalis muscles. Over time, this can cause these muscles to hypertrophy, or grow larger and more prominent. The overactivation of these muscles can cause a wider, squarer, or more masculine appearance.

In addition to changes in muscle size and shape, bruxism can also affect the bone structure of your face, particularly in the lower jaw. The changes in bone structure can lead to a reduction in bone density and thickness affecting the shape and contour of your face. Some people with severe bruxism may develop an overbite or underbite, which can further alter their facial proportions and appearance.

Other cosmetic changes associated with bruxism may include

-wrinkles or fine lines around the mouth

-sagging or loose skin in the lower face

flattened or concave appearance of the cheeks.

While these changes may be subtle at first, they can become more pronounced over time, especially if your bruxism goes untreated.

It’s important to note that not everyone who grinds their teeth or clenches their jaw will experience these facial changes. The severity and duration of your bruxism will play a role in determining the extent of the cosmetic impact. Nonetheless, it’s clear that bruxism can have a hidden impact on your facial features and may warrant attention and treatment beyond its dental implications.

The role of muscles in bruxism and its impact on bone and cosmetics

Let’s look at the anatomy of the jaw and the muscles involved in teeth grinding. The two main muscles responsible for these actions are the masseter and temporalis muscles. These muscles are located on each side of the face and are among the strongest muscles in the human body.

The masseter muscle is responsible for closing the jaw. The temporalis muscle is involved in moving the jaw side to side and back and forth. When you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, you engage these muscles in a prolonged and excessive way. The action causes them to contract and relax repeatedly throughout the night or day.

While this muscle activity is necessary for chewing and other oral functions, excessive and prolonged activity can lead to bone resorption and remodeling. Overuse can in turn affect the shape and structure of your face. The pressure exerted by the masseter and temporalis muscles can cause the jawbone to break down. Overtime, the pressure leads to a reduction in bone density and thickness in the affected areas. The lower jaw can start to recede or the cheekbones can flatten, leading to an overall loss of definition and symmetry in the face.

Moreover, the impact of excessive muscle activity is not limited to bone resorption and remodeling. The constant contraction of the two muscles can also affect the skin and soft tissues of the face. Some repercussions include sagging, wrinkles, and other cosmetic changes. These are unwanted changes that can make you look older or less attractive than you would like.

Signs and symptoms of bruxism-related facial changes

Additional signs and symptoms can indicate that you may be experiencing bruxism-related facial changes. These can include:

  1. Common visual cues of facial distortion. Changes in the shape or size of your face, an asymmetrical or lopsided appearance, or a more square or boxy jawline. These changes can be subtle or more pronounced, and can affect different areas of the face depending on the severity and duration of your bruxism.
  2. Changes in bite and occlusion. You may notice changes in your bite or occlusion over time. Bite changes can lead to discomfort or pain when chewing, speaking, or opening your mouth. Occlusion issues can also affect your overall dental health and hygiene.
  3. Chronic pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or head. Bruxism can include symptoms like headaches, earaches, and even ringing in the ears (tinnitus). All mentioned symptoms can be linked to the prolonged and excessive muscle activity associated with bruxism.

Treatment for bruxism

Prevention and treatment options

Fortunately, there are a lot of prevention and treatment options available for bruxism-related facial changes. Some of these options include:

  1. Mouthguards and splints to protect teeth and reduce muscle tension. Wearing a mouthguard or splint at night can help to protect your teeth from damage caused by bruxism, and can also help to reduce muscle tension in the jaw and face.
  2. Lifestyle changes to reduce stress and anxiety. Since bruxism often goes along with stress and anxiety, making lifestyle changes to reduce these factors can be helpful in preventing or managing bruxism. Lifestyle changes can include practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga; getting regular exercise, and seeking professional support if needed.
  3. Physical therapy and massage to alleviate muscle pain and improve posture. Physical therapy and massage can be effective in treating the muscle pain and tension associated with bruxism.
  4. Surgical interventions in severe cases. In rare cases where bruxism-related facial changes are severe and have not responded to other treatments, surgical interventions like orthognathic surgery or bone grafting may be recommended to correct the underlying structural issues.

Overall, the best approach to preventing or managing bruxism-related facial changes will depend on the individual and their specific needs and circumstances.


In conclusion, bruxism can have a significant impact on your facial appearance over time including changes like asymmetry, sagging skin, and an altered bite. With proper prevention and treatment, these changes can often be minimized or prevented altogether.

Prevention is key to managing bruxism-related facial changes. To minimize the impact of bruxism on your facial appearance, explore lifestyle changes, wear a mouth guard at night, and seek professional support.

You can enjoy a healthy, vibrant smile for years to come!

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